calendar>>February 15. 2016 Juche 105
Contributors to Successful Satellite Launch Feted in Presence of Kim Jong Un
Pyongyang, February 15 (KCNA) -- The Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK) gave a banquet in honor of the contributors to the successful launch of earth observation satellite Kwangmyongsong-4 on February 13.

Supreme leader Kim Jong Un was present at the banquet.

Attending it were Kim Yong Nam, Hwang Pyong So, Pak Pong Ju, Kim Ki Nam, Choe Thae Bok, Pak Yong Sik, Ri Myong Su, Yang Hyong Sop, Kim Won Hong, Kwak Pom Gi, O Su Yong, Kim Phyong Hae, Kim Yong Chol, Choe Pu Il, Ro Tu Chol, Jo Yon Jun and other senior party, state and army officials.

Invited to it were scientists, technicians, workers and officials who contributed to the successful launch of Kwangmyongsong-4.

After arriving at the Mokran House together with Ri Sol Ju, supreme leader Kim Jong Un reviewed honor guards of the Ground, Naval, Air and Anti-Air Forces of the Korean People's Army and the Worker-Peasant Red Guards with the contributors.

He made a congratulatory speech.

He said that the decision to launch the earth observation satellite for the destiny and dignity of the country with the approach of the historic 7th Congress of the Workers' Party of Korea under the complicated situation, in which the hostile forces were getting evermore frantic to suffocate the DPRK, was made on the basis of deep trust in the red scientists faithful to the Party, genuine patriots. The credit for the present great success goes to the strength of close relationship between the Party and you, scientists, the former believing in the latter and vice versa, he added.

The course of conquering space was for revolution and independence rather than for science, and it was a fierce struggle to defend the peace and sovereignty from the hostile forces as well as to implement the behests of the great leaders, he said, stressing: Today's great success was recorded as a glorious page in the history of our Party and country as it gave confidence and courage to our people and dealt a telling blow to the enemies seeking to block the advance of our country.

This is an age of science and technology and to develop science and technology is an important matter decisive of the nation's future and destiny, he said, adding: In order to accelerate the advance speed of the great Paektusan nation outpacing the world while demonstrating the might of independence, Songun and socialism, it is necessary for the front of science to exert its most strength and to show the mysterious strength of Juche-based science.

He called for turning out in the scientific researches to hit a higher target with the present great success as a springboard for greater victory and thus launch more working satellites of Juche Korea in the future.

At the banquet there was a performance of the Moranbong Band celebrating the successful launch of satellite Kwangmyongsong-4.

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