calendar>>February 15. 2016 Juche 105
DPRK's Satellite Launch Hailed by Bangladeshi Body
Pyongyang, February 15 (KCNA) -- There took place a meeting for solidarity with the Korean people in Dhaka, Bangladesh on Feb. 8.

Read out at the meeting were a report that Marshal Kim Jong Un issued an order to launch earth observation satellite Kwangmyongsong-4 and a report of the National Aerospace Development Administration of the DPRK.

At the meeting speakers said that the development of space for peaceful purposes is the inviolable right of the independent state and people. They expressed support and solidarity with the Korean people fully exercising the independent right to use space for peaceful purposes.

They denounced the reckless hostile policy toward the DPRK pursued by the U.S. imperialists and their followers to infringe upon the sovereignty of the DPRK and dignity of the Korean people.

A joint statement was adopted at the meeting.

It said that the DPRK's successful satellite launch proved once again the position of the DPRK which ranked itself among the world powers.

It sincerely wished the Korean people holding HE Kim Jong Un in high esteem as the supreme leader of the party, state and army new success in their historic struggle for defending the sovereignty and security of the country and achieving the national development.

We reaffirm our invariable support for the just cause of the DPRK, it added.

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