calendar>>February 15. 2016 Juche 105
Koreans Meeting in Japan Observe Birth Anniversary of Kim Jong Il
Pyongyang, February 15 (KCNA) -- There took place a meeting of Koreans in Japan at the Korean Hall of Culture in Tokyo on Feb. 13 to observe the 74th birth anniversary of the great Generalissimo Kim Jong Il.

It was attended by Ho Jong Man, chairman of the Central Standing Committee of the General Association of Korean Residents in Japan, its vice-chairpersons, Hong In Hum, chairman of its Central Audit Committee, its advisors and department directors, leading officials of its organizations and enterprises, chairpersons of Chongryon headquarters in Kanto area, officials of Chongryon, other Koreans, staff and students of Korean University.

Ho Jong Man in his report said Koreans in Japan have celebrated the February holiday every year but this year's Day of the Shining Star is being observed amid the world's admiration for the Juche-based nuclear power, socialist Korea and the great Workers' Party of Korea, so they revere and miss very much leader Kim Jong Il who continued his train journey, weathering snow storm, throughout his life, in charge of the destiny of the country.

Kim Jong Il, who made the history of the victorious revolutionary cause of Juche and brought about epoch-making developments in politics, military affairs, economy and culture, will always be with us as the sun of Juche and the exploits he performed by laying an eternal foundation of the country will shine forever, Ho added.

A letter to Marshal Kim Jong Un was read out at the meeting.

Meetings were also held by Chongryon headquarters in Osaka, Hyogo, Kyoto, Aichi, Hokkaido, etc. to mark the birth anniversary of Kim Jong Il.

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