calendar>>February 17. 2016 Juche 105
DPRK's Successful Satellite Launch Hailed by Finnish Figures
Pyongyang, February 17 (KCNA) -- There took place meetings in Finland on Feb. 8 and 11 to celebrate the birth anniversary of leader Kim Jong Il and the DPRK's successful launch of earth observation satellite Kwangmyongsong-4.

Kalevi Wahrman, chairman of the Finnish Communists' League, said in his speech that Kim Jong Il was the great leader of the Korean people as he shattered the moves of the imperialists to stifle the DPRK and victoriously led the arduous march, the forced march under the uplifted banner of Songun and thus defended the sovereignty of the country and the dignity of the nation and laid a springboard for building a thriving nation.

He noted that the DPRK has become a power capable of launching satellites anytime as it wishes thanks to the firm foundation provided by Kim Jong Il all his life.

Pekka Kotkasaari, chairman of the Finland-Korea Society, said that the DPRK successfully launched satellite Kwangmyongsong-4 thanks to the great grit and wise guidance of Marshal Kim Jong Un who is successfully carrying forward the Songun cause of Kim Jong Il.

The association will further boost support and solidarity with the just cause of the Korean people now that the U.S.-led imperialist allied forces are getting frantic in the moves to block the development of independent socialist Korea and stifle it, the chairman noted.

Congratulatory messages to Kim Jong Un were adopted at the meetings.

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