calendar>>February 18. 2016 Juche 105
WPK Central Committee, Central Military Commission Issue Joint Calls
Pyongyang, February 18 (KCNA) -- Joint calls were published by the Central Committee and the Central Military Commission of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK) on Wednesday in the run-up to the Seventh Congress of the WPK.

The joint calls said that the Seventh Congress of the WPK which would be held in the period when epoch-making changes are taking place in carrying out the revolutionary cause of Juche and the cause of the building of a thriving socialist nation would serve as a historic landmark of epochal significance in further strengthening the WPK into the great party of President Kim Il Sung and leader Kim Jong Il and bringing earlier the final victory under the leadership of Marshal Kim Jong Un.

They pointed out that it is the steadfast determination and will of the WPK to achieve signal successes to greet the Seventh Congress of the WPK through guerrilla-style attack method created by Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il and make hurrah for the WPK and socialism resound far and wide across the country.

Noting that Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il are the eternal leaders of our party and people and the sun of Juche and the images of the dignified great Paektusan nation, the joint calls went on:

Let us spruce up more wonderfully the Kumsusan Palace of the Sun as befitting the holy land of the eternal sun and devotedly defend it!

Let us eternally glorify the sacred revolutionary careers and immortal feats of the great Comrade Kim Il Sung and Comrade Kim Jong Il!

Let us take it as the lifeline and the key point to implement the behests of the great leaders!

The calls underscored the need to develop the WPK into the eternally glorious party of Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il.

Let us make the whole party a crystal of idea and faith imbued with the great Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism!

Let us thoroughly apply the people-first principle to the overall party work!

Let us spare nothing for training the young people!

Consider it as the revolutionary ethics and revolutionary party discipline to work and live in a simple, honest and upright manner!

Become the sparks setting fire to the hearts of the masses and detonators giving full play to their mental power!

The calls underlined the need to make hurrah for the WPK and socialism resound far more loudly this year when the Seventh Congress of the WPK is to be held by staging an all-out death-defying struggle for building a thriving nation and improving the people's living standard.

Let's dynamically wage this year's general advance in the same spirit as shown in succeeding in the H-bomb test!

Let's build an economic giant as early as possible with the strength and the spirit of Korea and at the Korean speed!

Send more satellites of Juche Korea into space!

Powerfully demonstrate the revolutionary spirit of the Korean working class in the on-going general advance!

Finish the building of the Paektusan Hero Youth Power Station No. 3 and the Wonsan Army-People Power Station at a time fixed by the Party without fail!

The Kim Chaek Iron and Steel Complex, the Hwanghae Iron and Steel Complex, the Songjin Steel Complex and the Kangson Steel Complex, add fuel to the flames of increased production!

Produce more new-generation electric locomotives and passenger cars!

Put the manufacture of Korean-style world-class underground trains on a serial basis!

Step up the modernization of the mining industry and keep the production of nonferrous metal and non-metallic minerals going at a high rate!

Provide more resources for building an economic giant by channeling effort into prospecting underground resources!

Make the foreign trade multilateral and diverse!

Let's greet the 7th Party Congress with proud achievements in the improvement of the people's living standard!

Let's add shine to the new history of golden fields created by the great General generation after generation!

Achieve a great victory on the front of agriculture this year!

Make the whole country seethe with a high-pitched campaign for producing green-house vegetables!

Build modern mushroom production bases like the Pyongyang City Mushroom Farm across the country!

Step up the construction of the stock-breeding base in Sepho area and bring about a new turn in developing poultry and livestock farming!

Let the modern stock-breeding bases built under the care of the Party pay off!

Let's massively plant Aeguk Grass!

Decisively improve the fishing industry of the country by making a revolution in it!

Let oneself be propellers and nets and thus make the "spectacular scenery of a good catch of fish" in the Songun era be unceasingly presented!

Let's put the country on the status of an advanced one in sea fish farming by advancing into seas!

Let's turn the country into the one of orchards!

Let's give a decisive solution to the problem of consumer goods!

Let's produce more world-competitive famous products and goods!

Build more edifices representing the era of the WPK and the spirit of the Korean nation!

Make Wonsan area an icon of city layout and build it into a world-level tourist city!

Establish Korean-style economic management method guided by the Juche idea in a comprehensive manner!

Let the entire party and army and all the people turn out in the forest restoration campaign!

Let us make a new history of mountains of gold, enshrining Kim Jong Il's patriotism!

Let us make our country a land of golden tapestry free from pollution in the era of the Workers' Party!

Let us maintain the principle of giving priority to self-development in building a thriving socialist nation!

Put an end to proclivity to import!

It is the steadfast will of the WPK to build a highly civilized socialist nation at an early date, the calls noted, and continued:

Let the people enjoy the highest quality of civilization on the highest level!

Let us make the flames of educational revolution rage furiously in the new century!

Let us realize as early as possible the processes of turning all people into scientific and technical talents and converting the country into a scientific and technical power!

Let us give fullest play to the advantages of socialist healthcare system!

Let us usher in the new heyday in building a sporting powerhouse in the revolutionary spirit of Paektu!

Let us make the enthusiasm for sports sweep across the country!

Create new legendary stories about sports of heroic Korea in international games!

Bring about a revolution in media and literature and arts in the new century!

Create more masterpieces of the times to make all the service personnel and people burn their hearts with the enthusiasm for the revolution and for struggle!

Learn from the revolutionary and militant creative style of the Moranbong Band!

Make the songs of revolution and struggle resound loudly in every worksite through brisk mass-based culture and art activities!

Let us make national sentiment and noble and beautiful lifestyle prevail throughout the society!

Dynamically push forward the building of knowledge-based economic power and a highly civilized nation by dint of science and technology!

Energetically push forward the work to closely combine science and technology with production and achieve their integration!

Make world science and technology our own with faith in one's own and national self-esteem!

Stressing that the revolutionary armed forces guarantee the great victory in the present general offensive toward the Seventh Congress of the WPK, the calls went on:

Model the whole army on Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism!

Let us fight devotedly for respected Supreme Commander Comrade Kim Jong Un!

Let us defend the 7th Congress of the Workers' Party of Korea by strengthening the political and military might of the People's Army in every way!

Prepare to be elite soldiers of modern warfare and stout fighters who are equipped with the military strategies and tactics of Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il, the heroic fighting spirit and flawless abilities to fight an actual war!

Give the final doom to the aggressors with arms of Paektusan, if they dare to invade!

Let us take charge of both national defence and socialist construction!

Demonstrate to the full the heroic stamina of the powerful revolutionary Paektusan army in a drive to create the Korean speed!

The Korean People's Internal Security Forces should sharpen the sword for defending their leader, system and people!

Let us become iron shields and red warriors who defend the Party, system and people to the death!

Build more edifices for the great era of Kim Jong Un faster and more splendidly through army-people cooperation!

Let us thoroughly implement our Party's policy of putting all the people under arms and turning the whole country into a fortress!

Enhance the fighting capacity of the Worker-Peasant Red Guards by intensifying their drills as the anti-Japanese guerillas did in Mt. Paektu!

Develop and produce a greater number of various means of military strike of our own style that are capable of overwhelming the enemy!

Let the defence industry sector make a positive contribution to building an economic giant and improving the people's standard of living!

The whole country will become astir when young people are in high spirits, and a prosperous future will be brought earlier when their steps are faster, the joint calls noted, and went on:

Become young vanguard unfailingly faithful to respected Comrade Kim Jong Un!

Always advance straight ahead, following the Party!

Let us rush forward along the course of the Korean revolution sailing in the spirit of blizzards of Paektu!

Glorify every moment of youthful days in the revolutionary spirit of Paektu, the spirit of blizzards of Paektu!

Provide a present of loyalty to the 7th Party Congress through the creation of new legendary tales about heroic youth!

The joint calls said that the function and role of the people's government should be remarkably enhanced to further propel the present advance for a great upsurge.

They called upon the officials to be true persons working devotedly to implement the Party's policies to the last even though they may die!

Saying that the national reunification is what Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il had desired in their lifetime as well as the long-cherished desire of the Korean nation, the joint calls stressed the need to firmly defend and add brilliance to their undying leadership feats for national reunification and achieve the country's reunification independently in the idea of By Our Nation Itself.

They also called for carrying through the independent foreign policy of the WPK to lead the realization of the cause of global independence, adding:

Let us further expand the external relations in the idea of independence, peace and friendship!

Let us strengthen solidarity with the progressive political parties and peoples of the world!

Let us resolutely foil the aggression and intervention moves of the imperialists and dominationists!

Let us put an end to the anti-DPRK hostile policy of the U.S., the source of confrontation and escalation of tension!

Let us fight resolutely for the realization of global peace, security and independence!

The joint calls underlined that all the Party members, servicepersons and other people should make all-out charge in the struggle for the building of a thriving nation in the same spirit as they displayed the dignity and prestige of Juche Korea and thus clearly show the world how Songun Korea will work miracles and display fireworks of victory in May.

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