calendar>>February 18. 2016 Juche 105
Foreigners and Overseas Koreans Praise Kimjongilia
Pyongyang, February 18 (KCNA) -- Foreigners and overseas Koreans were struck with admiration for Kimjongilia after touring its 20th festival.

Alejandro Cao de Benos, chairman of the Korean Friendship Association headquartered in Spain, said:

Looking round the venue of the festival presenting fantastic scenery with fully bloomed flowers, I could feel the profound reverence of the Korean people for leader Kim Jong Il.

There is no such a grand flower festival praising a great man as Kimjongilia festival in the world.

Kimjongilia, the flower named after the peerlessly great man, will always be in full bloom as flower of the sun.

An Son Ok, a Korean in Japan, said Kimjongilia reflects the personality of Kim Jong Il as a great man who performed great exploits before the times and history.

Every fully bloomed Kimjongilia displayed on the stand of the Central Standing Committee of the General Association of Korean Residents in Japan (Chongryon) reflects the boundless reverence of the officials of Chongryon and all other Koreans in Japan who laud the great saint of the nation as the eternal sun, An noted.

Choe Ryong Ho, head of a Chinese regional delegation of the society for supporting the dissemination of immortal flowers, expressed his excited feelings after touring the festival venue as follows:

The Kimjongilia festival is getting more peculiar and splendid year by year as desired by Koreans and other world progressives.

The spectacular scenery presented by Kimjongilias represents the boundless reverence of all people for Kim Jong Il.

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