calendar>>February 20. 2016 Juche 105
20th Kimjongilia Festival Draws Endless Stream of Visitors
Pyongyang, February 20 (KCNA) -- The 20th Kimjongilia Festival is drawing an endless stream of visitors every day after it was opened here to mark the birth anniversary of leader Kim Jong Il.

The festival of the immortal flower was opened for the first time in February, Juche 86 (1997) amid profound reverence of all peoples for him.

More than 330,000 potted Kimjongilias have so far been exhibited during the festivals and they have drawn more than 7.5 million visitors. Over hundred exhibitions took place in different countries.

The 20th Kimjongilia Festival has been visited by service personnel, people from all walks of life, school youth and children, overseas Koreans and foreigners, at least hundreds of thousands in all, since it was opened on Feb. 15.

The visitors numbered nearly 120,000 on Feb. 17 only.

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