calendar>>February 24. 2016 Juche 105
70-Day Campaign Called for
Pyongyang, February 24 (KCNA) -- A meeting of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea adopted a letter calling upon all the party members to dynamically advance in the van of the grand revolutionary march to achieve the biggest successes and labor feats.

There took place a meeting for conveying the letter in Pyongyang.

Present at the meeting were members and alternate members of the Political Bureau of the WPK Central Committee, chief secretaries of the provincial committees of the WPK, chairmen of the provincial people's committees and leading officials of the party and armed forces organs, working people's organizations, ministries and national institutions.

The letter was conveyed by Kim Yong Nam, member of the Presidium of the Political Bureau of the WPK Central Committee and president of the Presidium of the Supreme People's Assembly.

The WPK Central Committee in the letter said that great changes have taken place in the people's destiny and life and the country has advanced through years of changes and miracles at the step of fresh leap with the Party's congresses as watersheds along with the 70-odd-year glorious history of the WPK.

Now that the U.S. imperialists and their followers are making a last-ditch attempt to stifle our socialism, all the party members should devote themselves to the party and the revolution to usher in a golden age in building a thriving nation, and this will eloquently prove the greatness of the Party's leadership and demonstrate our might and the justice of our cause, the letter said.

It urged the party members to become best core elements in safeguarding the leader and enthusiastic vanguard fighters remaining loyal to his intention and cause in the van in the on-going struggle to glorify the 7th Party Congress as the one of victors.

It went on:

All the party members should become genuine revolutionaries who faithfully serve the people in the struggle to glorify this year in which the Seventh Congress of the Workers' Party of Korea is to be held as the greatest heyday witnessing hurrah for the Workers' Party resound far and wide.

The master key to achieving successes in the struggle to greet the Seventh Party Congress with great victory is in the hands of the officials.

The letter called on all party organizations to conduct organizational and political work in an offensive manner to arouse masses to the drive for ushering in the greatest heyday in building a thriving nation with the Seventh Party Congress as a momentum.

The Central Committee of the WPK in its letter ardently called for waging the 70-day campaign of loyalty with the approach of the historic Seventh Party Congress and underlined the need for all the party members to emerge honorable victors in the campaign.

Then, a proposal for organizing the headquarters for successfully waging the campaign was made public at the meeting.

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