calendar>>February 25. 2016 Juche 105
Rodong Sinmun Observes Anniversary of Kim Jong Un's Work
Pyongyang, February 25 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun Thursday dedicates an article to the second anniversary of the publication of supreme leader Kim Jong Un's work "Let Us Hasten the Final Victory through a Revolutionary Ideological Offensive".

This work is the speech made by him at the 8th Conference of Ideological Workers of the Workers' Party of Korea on February 25, Juche 103 (2014). It comprehensively deals with the issue of focusing the ideological work on firmly establishing the Party's unitary leadership system, the issue of raising a hot wind of ideological work to give strong impetus to defending socialism and other theoretical and practical issues in intensifying the Party's ideological work at present.

Noting that Kim Jong Un's work serves as a militant banner which brought about a new turn in the drive to establish the Party's unitary leadership system, the article goes on:

For the past two years all the officials, Party members and other working people have prepared themselves as genuine Kimilsungists and Kimjongilists through a strong habit of study to acquire the works of President Kim Il Sung and leader Kim Jong Il and Party literature systemically and in chronological order and the revolutionary work style of solving all issues arising in the Party building and activities under the leadership of the Party was established.

All the service personnel and people of the DPRK formed a great harmonious whole which breathes the same breath and acts as one sharing the idea with the Party Central Committee and the behests of the great leaders and the Party policies are becoming brilliant realities amid the vigorous drive to carry out the Party ideas and defend Party policies. These are the biggest successes made in the course of the dynamic revolutionary ideological offensive.

Popular heroism is being fully displayed on all fronts for building a thriving nation and a lot of world-startling monumental edifices were built in the spirit of self-development-first principle. This goes to frully prove the powerful might of the Party's ideological work.

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