calendar>>February 25. 2016 Juche 105
Halt to Suppression of Jongyojo Demanded by S. Korean Body
Pyongyang, February 25 (KCNA) -- The Solidarity for Progress in south Korea issued a statement on Feb. 22 to demand the authorities stop the suppression of the Teachers Union (Jongyojo).

The statement accused the Ministry of Education of mulling urging 17 city and provincial education agencies to take four follow-up steps such as cancellation of temporary retirement of the full-time officials of Jongyojo and their return to schools, halt to support to trade union offices and stop to collective contract and implementing them.

Such action against Jongyojo was pursuant to the unreasonable decision made by the Seoul High Court on Jan. 21, it charged.

It demanded the authorities stop the unreasonable suppression of Jongyojo.

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