calendar>>February 25. 2016 Juche 105
Workers and Members of GFTUK Hold Seminar
Pyongyang, February 25 (KCNA) -- There took place a seminar of the workers and members of the General Federation of Trade Unions of Korea (GFTUK) at the People's Palace of Culture Thursday to deeply grasp and thoroughly embody the idea on the heroic Kim Il Sung-Kim Jong Il workers Marshal Kim Jong Un gave fresh clarification to.

Presented at the seminar were the papers demonstrating the originality and validity of the idea and theory of the heroic Kim Il Sung-Kim Jong Il workers and dealing with the tasks for discharging the mission and duty as a core unit of the Juche revolution and the eldest son of the country and ways of doing so.

The speakers said Kim Jong Un gave fresh clarification to the character, position and ideological and moral qualities of the Korean workers for the first time in history as required by the Korean revolution and the developing times.

They expounded their views that the Korean workers have absolute loyalty to the party and leader, transparent revolutionary consciousness and spirit of self-reliance and self-development.

They mentioned that the heroic Kim Il Sung-Kim Jong Il workers are a core unit of the Juche revolution and the eldest son of the country that are obliged to support the Party's ideas and cause in the vanguard and advance holding up the torch of a new great revolutionary upsurge in building an economic giant.

They stressed that it was the revolutionary duty and moral obligation of all the workers and members of the GFTUK to repay with loyalty the deepest trust with which Kim Jong Un called them the heroic Kim Il Sung-Kim Jong Il workers.

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