calendar>>February 26. 2016 Juche 105
Social Science Seminar Marks 80th Anniversary of Nanhutou Meeting
Pyongyang, February 26 (KCNA) -- There took place a social science seminar at the Academy of Social Sciences on Friday on the 80th anniversary of the historic Nanhutou meeting guided by President Kim Il Sung.

Present at the seminar were Ri Hye Jong, president of the Academy of Social Sciences, officials concerned and teachers, researchers, lecturers and journalists in the fields of science, education, media, preservation of revolutionary relics and party cadre training institutions.

They heard the papers clarifying the historical position of the Nanhutou meeting in the Korean revolution and giving a scientific and theoretical explanation about the fact that firmly upholding and carrying forward the anti-Japanese revolutionary traditions provides a sure guarantee for accomplishing the revolutionary cause of Juche started in Mt. Paektu.

The speakers referred to the nature and significance of the meeting of military and political cadres of the Korean People's Revolutionary Army Kim Il Sung convened in Nanhutou in February, Juche 25 (1936).

They said the meeting set forth a strategic policy on letting the Korean People's Revolutionary Army advance to the border areas and gradually extending the theatre of struggle to the homeland, indicating the way of bringing earlier the cause of national liberation by the concerted efforts of the Korean people.

The meeting adopted a decision on forming a pan-national united front, thus providing a sure guarantee for the development of the movement to form the anti-Japanese national united front throughout the country and nation with the advance of the armed struggle into the homeland and for the party's leadership and Kim Il Sung's unitary leadership over the movement, they noted.

They said that the meeting brought about an epochal change in realizing the cause of founding the Juche-type revolutionary party.

They noted that upholding and successfully carrying forward the revolutionary traditions provide a sure guarantee for remaining true to the party's Songun leadership.

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