calendar>>February 28. 2016 Juche 105
Kim Jong Il Praised by Russian Personages
Pyongyang, February 28 (KCNA) -- Diverse events were held in Russia on Feb. 11 to mark the Day of the Shining Star, the birth anniversary of leader Kim Jong Il.

They included a lecture and film show at the Maritime Territory Branch of the Youth Guards affiliated to the United Russia Party, a meeting and film show by the Friendship Association with Foreign Countries of Khabarovsk, a friendship meeting at the classroom of the Russia-Korea Children's Friendship Association Named after Kim Jong Il of 11th Middle School in Khabarovsk City and a film show at the Russia-DPRK friendship classroom of 5th Middle School in Khabarovsk City.

Participants of the film show watched Korean films "My Country Has Emerged Victorious by Dint of Single-minded Unity" and "The Songdowon International Children's Camp."

The participants in those events laid floral baskets and bouquets before the portraits of smiling President Kim Il Sung and leader Kim Jong Il and a photo of Marshal Kim Jong Un and paid tribute to them.

The head of the Maritime Territory Branch of Youth Guards said that Kim Jong Il devoted his all to upholding and glorifying the exploits Kim Il Sung performed by liberating Korea, building self-supporting national economy and bolstering up the national defence capability.

A vice-chairman of the Russia-Korea Friendship Association of Khabarovsk Territory and the chairperson of the Friendship Association with Foreign Countries of Khabarovsk said Kim Jong Il made a great contribution to developing the Russia-DPRK friendly relations till the last moments of his great life, adding that the people in Khabarovsk Territory still remember his sublime image.

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