calendar>>February 28. 2016 Juche 105
Minju Joson Lays Bare What S. Korean Regime Is after Floating Fiction about "Military Provocations"
Pyongyang, February 28 (KCNA) -- The south Korean puppet regime never opens its mouth without talking about "military provocations from the north".

Minju Joson on Sunday observes this in a commentary:

The puppet regime's loud-mouthed "military provocations from the north" are nothing but a trite method to shift its criminal responsibility for escalating the tension in the Korean Peninsula and pushing the inter-Korean relations to a catastrophe on the DPRK.

It goes on:

The non-existent "provocations" and "threat" touted by the south Korean regime are aimed to escalate the confrontation with the fellow countrymen in the north and moves for a war against it and slander it and realize the scenario for achieving "unification of social systems" without fail.

The above-said propaganda reveals the cunning trick to justify the criminal move to stifle the DPRK by force of arms with the backing of the U.S.

As fully disclosed, the south Korean authorities obsessed with the confrontation with the fellow countrymen and a war against the north are running amuck to stifle it by force of arms after massively introducing various types of U.S. nuclear war means and troops into south Korea.

Absolutely unpardonable is the fact that all scenarios of the south Korean puppet forces are aimed at bringing down the social system in the north through the "beheading operation".

All facts go to clearly prove that the south Korean warmongers are working hard to ignite a nuclear war at any cost, utterly indifferent to peace in the Korean Peninsula and the security of the nation.

The south Korean regime would be well advised to face up to the trend of the situation and behave itself if it does not want to be forlorn wandering spirits.

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