calendar>>March 2. 2016 Juche 105
Kim Jong Un Visits Thaesong Machine Factory
Pyongyang, March 2 (KCNA) -- Kim Jong Un, first secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea, first chairman of the National Defence Commission of the DPRK and supreme commander of the Korean People's Army, inspected the Thaesong Machine Factory and set forth the tasks for its modernization.

Noting that the officials and workers of the factory have carried through its production assignments for the past decades, thus working proud feats for the development of the nation's machine-building industry, he gave thanks in the name of the Workers' Party of Korea to them.

He toured a room for education in the revolutionary history at the factory.

Carefully seeing the historic mementoes on display, he said that every part of the factory has sacred traces of President Kim Il Sung and leader Kim Jong Il.

The room has been built very well, he said, adding: Primary efforts should be directed to the education in the great leaders' exploits so that the workers of the factory can glorify the undying feats with big achievements in production, well aware of how important their factory is.

He went round combined processing workshop, assembling workshop and other parts of the factory to learn in detail about its production and performance and quality of finished products.

Saying that the Thaesong Machine Factory, the eldest, pioneer and core factory in the machine-building industry of the country, has a very important role to play in building a thriving nation, he stressed the need to modernize it as required by the age of knowledge-based economy.

The factory's production and technology management process should be turned into one of development and creative style, not sample-imitation style, he said, adding his visit is aimed to lay a new springboard for the development of the country's machine-building industry through modernization of the factory.

It is the intention of the Party Central Committee to turn the Thaesong Machine Factory into a world-level ultra-modern machine producer, he said, and went on: The work for modernizing the factory should be dealt as an important and strategic affair related to the future of the development of the country's machine-building industry.

He gave precious instructions for modernization of the factory and took necessary measures.

Noting he felt the very high degree of revolutionary zeal and spirit of the workers at the factory struggling with their firm resolution to proudly attend the Seventh Congress of the WPK with a record-book on campaign of loyalty, he said: There will be no fortress unconquerable for us when we go with those workers.

He expressed expectation and belief that the officials and workers of the factory would completely renew the factory to meet the demand of the age of knowledge-based economy and the needs of a highly civilized socialist nation and bring about a great upsurge in the production of modern machines urgently needed for various economic fields and thus creditably play the role of vanguard and shock brigade in the struggle for development of the country's economy.

He was accompanied by Jo Yong Won and Kim Jong Sik, vice department directors of the WPK Central Committee.

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