calendar>>March 5. 2016 Juche 105
Campaigns for Erecting More Girl Statues Expand in S. Korea
Pyongyang, March 5 (KCNA) -- 8 heads of local self-governing organizations in south Korea issued a statement in Seoul on March 1 in support of the erection of girl statues, according to the south Korean KBS.

In the statement, they expressed their will to erect girl statues in overseas sister and friendship cities together with 50 local self-governing organizations.

People from all walks of life of south Korea are strongly protesting against Japan's arrogance and the puppet regime's humiliating act.

The Committee for Promoting the Erection of Girl Statue for Peace by the Younger Generation declared its will to erect girl statues before the Japanese consulate in Pusan City and other areas and launched a practical action.

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