calendar>>March 5. 2016 Juche 105
U.S. and S. Korea Accused of Mulling Staging Military Exercises against DPRK
Pyongyang, March 5 (KCNA) -- The Korean people concerned about the destiny of the nation and desirous of the peace and reunification of the country should get united as one to foil the U.S. vicious ambition for invading the DPRK and the south Korean authorities' adventurous moves for a war against the DPRK.

Ri Tong Je, chairman of the Association of Koreans in Japan for Peaceful Reunification, said this in a statement on March 4.

The statement said the U.S. and south Korean authorities responsible for the constant tension in the Korean Peninsula are mulling staging the largest-ever military exercises Key Resolve and Foal Eagle 16 despite the strong protest at home and abroad.

The U.S. and south Korean authorities' moves to ignite a nuclear war against the DPRK have been the main factor of threatening the peace in the Korean Peninsula and stability in Northeast Asia, the statement noted.

It is an urgent task to frustrate the war moves against the DPRK, the statement said, calling for actively joining in the nationwide struggle to meet the challenges of the anti-reunification forces and usher in the new era of independence and reunification.

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