calendar>>March 7. 2016 Juche 105
Spirit of Self-development Prevails in DPRK
Pyongyang, March 7 (KCNA) -- The spirit of self-development is fully displayed at every worksites of the DPRK in the 70-day campaign.

This spirit, originated in the revolutionary spirit of Paektu, the spirit of the blizzards of Paektu, helped the Korean people glorify the annals of the revolution with victories and heroic epics.

In the period of the anti-Japanese armed struggle, the guerrillas secured everything in need by their own efforts.

After the country's liberation, the Korean people made the first submachine gun by themselves though they were hard pressed for everything.

They turned out munitions on their own efforts during the Fatherland Liberation War, and realized the socialist industrialization only in 14 years after the war though the U.S. vouched that Korea would not be able to rise up again even in 100 years.

In the period of the great Chollima upswing, workers of the then Kangson Steel Plant rolled 120,000 tons of steel at the blooming mill with a capacity of 60,000 tons.

When the big-power chauvinists forced the "integrated economy" upon the DPRK, its people kindled the flame of great Chollima upsurge to speed up the socialist construction.

The U.S. imperialists had persistently posed nuclear war threat with sanctions to the DPRK, but it turned itself into an invincible military giant, space power and nuclear weapons state with its own efforts.

Last year alone, a number of standard factories were built in the country to meet the demand of the era of knowledge-based economy and flood victims in Rason City moved to new houses completed in only 30-odd days. The credit for such eye-opening events goes to the sprit of self-development.

With this spirit, the servicepersons and civilians of the DPRK are making signal achievements to significantly greet the forthcoming 7th Congress of the Workers' Party of Korea.

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