calendar>>March 8. 2016 Juche 105
Rodong Sinmun Blasts Traitor Park Geun Hye for Cooking up Evil Law
Pyongyang, March 8 (KCNA) -- Traitor Park Geun Hye of south Korea let the lawmakers from the "Saenuri Party" railroad the "anti-terrorism bill" through the "National Assembly" (NA) on Mar. 2 despite strong public protest and criticism.

Commenting on this, Rodong Sinmun Tuesday says:

The puppet traitor's fabrication of the "anti-terrorism law" is an unpardonable political provocation to tarnish the image of the dignified DPRK and a hideous and reckless fascist action to mercilessly eliminate the progressive democratic forces by labeling them "terrorist forces."

The above-said law is unprecedented in the law-making history of south Korea.

By origin, the "anti-terrorism bill" had been tabled at the NA in 2001 but thrown at once into a dustbin in the face of strong public uproar and protest.

But the Park group finally made the law by stirring up "terror" throughout the south Korean society under pretext of the DPRK's bolstering of nuclear deterrent for self-defence and legitimate right to explore space.

Thrown into the abyss of thorough isolation and ruin, Park buckled down with her sleeves rolled up to fabricating the "anti-terrorism bill" in a bid to focus the public attention on the north-south confrontation and tighten her dictatorial rule.

It is her ulterior design to serve the whole term of her office and let the conservative regime stay in power for an indefinite period at any cost by ushering in another dark era of "yusin" for the purpose of indiscriminately suppressing the people through the Intelligence Service as her father did in the past.

Fascism and dictatorship can by no means be justified.

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