calendar>>March 12. 2016 Juche 105
Rodong Sinmun Calls for Consolidating Class-base of Korean Revolution
Pyongyang, March 12 (KCNA) -- The service personnel and people of the DPRK are fully determined to take revenge upon the U.S. imperialists and filled with the will to annihilate the enemies to the last man and the firm faith to shatter their sanctions and blockade, which are unshakable class consciousness of fighting against imperialism. Rodong Sinmun Saturday says this in an editorial.

It goes on:

It is the steadfast will of the service personnel and people of the DPRK to ferret out and dismember all the vicious enemies keen to hurt the supreme dignity of the country and nation.

It is the firm faith and will of the service personnel and people of the DPRK that the victorious advance of socialism, prosperity of the country and worthwhile independent life would be impossible without the class struggle against imperialism.

The U.S. imperialists do not wish to see the Korean people live well off and grow strong but are making desperate efforts to block our advance.

The prospect and future of the revolution depend on the ceaseless struggle to defeat imperialism with invariable anti-imperialist class consciousness.

The spirit of self-reliance and self-development is to realize our dreams and ideal with trust in and love for ours, pride and self-respect for ours. This would be unthinkable without anti-imperialist class consciousness.

We should sharpen the sword to take revenge upon the principal enemies the U.S. imperialists, the Japanese reactionaries and the south Korean puppet forces and always keep our hearts burning with bitter hatred and resentment at them.

The editorial calls upon all the people to be fully ready to be vanguard fighters of the working class defending the outpost of the anti-imperialist, anti-U.S. struggle through the strong anti-imperialist class education.

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