calendar>>March 21. 2016 Juche 105
Sri Lankan Organizations Demand Stop to U.S.-S. Korea Joint Military Drills
Pyongyang, March 21 (KCNA) -- The Sri Lanka-People's Korea Friendship Association and the Sri Lanka Committee for the Reunification of Korea in a joint statement on March 13 demanded an immediate halt to the U.S.-south Korea joint military drills.

The Key Resolve and Foal Eagle 16 joint military drills are driving the situation on the Korean peninsula to the worst crisis, the joint statement said, and went on:

South Korea, a colony and military base of the U.S., has been reduced to the biggest nuclear base in the Far East.

The U.S. has frequently staged nuclear war drills with huge forces involved after introducing many nuclear weapons into south Korea.

A nuclear war on the Korean peninsula would bring a huge nuclear disaster to humankind.

The imperialist allied forces and the south Korean authorities are challenging the just cause of the people for independence, peace and social progress.

The peace-loving countries and progressives should get firmly united to struggle against the U.S.-south Korea joint military drills.

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