calendar>>March 23. 2016 Juche 105
Rodong Sinmun Accuses U.S. of Sparking Nuclear Arms Race
Pyongyang, March 23 (KCNA) -- The U.S. has completely discarded the smokescreen of "building a world without nuclear weapons" so much touted by it.

It is now desperately pushing forward the project for improving and modernizing nuclear weapons in a new way.

Rodong Sinmun Wednesday observes in a commentary in this regard: The U.S. nuclear ambition will remain unchanged no matter who becomes its president.

The U.S. advocacy of "a world without nuclear weapons" is designed to gain time to hold a nuclear edge over other nuclear powers.

Various nuclear weapons states are vying with each other to beef up nuclear force.

Obama made the initiative on "building a world without nuclear weapons" and adopted it as a policy for the purpose of disarming nuclear weapons states through appeasement and deception and establishing a monopoly of nuclear weapons in a bid to dominate the world.

This is precisely the reason why the U.S. pretended to implement the treaty on reducing nukes concluded with Russia but is openly violating it under this or that pretext.

The reality indicates that the U.S. seeks to unhesitatingly use new type nuclear weapons in a war of aggression against the potential rivals including the DPRK.

The U.S. is the arch criminal disturbing world peace and stability and sparking a nuclear arms race as it seeks to plunge the earth in a horrible nuclear disaster.

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