calendar>>March 26. 2016 Juche 105
Information Bureau of AINDF Central Committee Releases Slogans on "General Election" in S. Korea
Pyongyang, March 26 (KCNA) -- The Information Bureau of the Central Committee of the Anti-Imperialist National Democratic Front (AINDF) released slogans on Thursday as regards the south Korean puppet National Assembly election, according to the website Kuguk Jonson.

The slogans called for severely punishing Park Geun Hye, the sworn enemy of democracy, nation and people, and the "Saenuri Party" through voting.

They went on:

Let's not turn back on politics, though it is dirty, but bring about a drastic change in Youido political landscape by positively taking part in the election.

Let's turn all the polling stations into theaters of all-people anti-U.S. actions and platforms for condemning the thrice-cursed crimes of Park Geun Hye and the candidates from the "Saenuri Party."

Let's check and foil the U.S. cunning moves to interfere in the election.

Let's vote for those candidates who respect the June 15 and October 4 declarations and call for national reconciliation,d cooperation and peace.

Noting that the success or failure in the election depends on how to achieve solidarity and alliance and choose unified candidates, the slogans called for winning a victory in unity.

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