calendar>>March 27. 2016 Juche 105
Kim Il Sung Praised by Foreign Media
Pyongyang, March 27 (KCNA) -- President Kim Il Sung was praised by foreign media on the occasion of his birth anniversary.

The 19th issue of the Cambodian newspaper Kmae Amata dedicated two whole pages to an article titled "Lifetime for country and people" illustrated with his photo.

The article noted the President embarked upon the road of revolution in his teens and devoted himself to the prosperity of the country and happiness of the people till the last moments of his life.

The Ethiopian newspaper Reporter on the same day carried an article titled "Kim Il Sung, eternal sun" with a portrait of the smiling President.

The article said:

He rendered sincere support to the developing countries in their struggle for anti-imperialist national liberation and the building of a new society, greatly contributed to developing the non-aligned movement and took warm care of all people.

Party and state leaders and prominent figures of many countries were attracted by his great benevolence after meeting him.

He is still alive in the hearts of humankind as the sun.

The March issue of the Bulgarian newspaper Iskra and the website of the Eastern Siberian Publishing House in Irkutsk Region of Russia on March 19 also carried articles praising his revolutionary career and exploits.

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