calendar>>March 27. 2016 Juche 105
Service Personnel, People of DPRK Turn out in Sacred Battle to Defeat Enemies
Pyongyang, March 27 (KCNA) -- All the service personnel and people of the DPRK have turned out in the sacred battle to defeat the enemies who committed thrice-cursed provocations.

Guards divisions which performed distinguished feats during the Fatherland Liberation War and all other units of the Korean People's Army are fully ready to annihilate the enemies.

The officers and men of the units on the whole front are in combat readiness.

Pilots on combat-duty loaded bombs instead of fuel for return with full of retaliatory will to mercilessly blow up the dens of aggression.

Seamen are also in perfect readiness with the retaliatory will to bury all the aggressor warships in the deep sea if an order of charge is issued.

The strike means of the Strategic Force of the Korean People's Army including miniaturized and precision nuclear weapons are on the stand-by to physically blow up the major targets in the operation area of south Korea, U.S. imperialist aggressor forces' bases in the Asia-Pacific region and Washington, the cesspool of evils.

The service personnel of the Korean People's Internal Security Forces are sharpening the sword for protecting the leader, social system and people to thoroughly smash even a slight move of the class enemies and hostile forces hatching sinister plots on this land.

The members of the Worker-Peasant Red Guards and the Young Red Guards across the country are making innovative achievements day and night in the ongoing 70-day campaign while getting themselves fully ready to defend their land.

Enthusiastic young people have risen up in the battle for devotedly safeguarding the leader.

Working people volunteer to join or rejoin the Korean People's Army.

The round-the-clock campaign is dynamically going on to develop more various highest-level military strike means and Juche bombs of Korean style necessary for liberating the southern half of Korea.

War veterans and discharged soldiers are turning out in the battle to defend the leader and the motherland and schoolchildren send encouraging letters to the front units.

All the service personnel and people are waiting for a final order of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea, while renewing their will to smash the desperate provocations of the U.S. imperialists and south Korean warmongers who dare try to hurt the supreme headquarters of the DPRK, and liberate the southern half of Korea.

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