calendar>>March 27. 2016 Juche 105
Heinous Provocation of U.S. and S. Korean Puppet Forces under Fire
Pyongyang, March 27 (KCNA) -- A meeting of the Yanbian Regional Association and its affiliated branches of the General Association of Koreans in China and the Yanbian Regional Youth Committee of the Federation of Korean Young Nationals in China was held in Yanji City, Jilin Province of China on March 25 to denounce the heinous provocation of the U.S. and south Korean puppet forces.

Speakers condemned the U.S. and south Korean warmongers for openly vociferating about "advance into Pyongyang" and "beheading operation".

They stressed that Koreans in China would together with the people in the motherland turn out as one in the struggle for frustrating the invaders and provocateurs.

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