calendar>>March 27. 2016 Juche 105
Women Performing Great Feats in 70-day Campaign
Pyongyang, March 27 (KCNA) -- Women in the light industry of the DPRK have made great labor achievements in the ongoing 70-day campaign to greet the 7th Congress of the Workers' Party of Korea.

All employees at the Kim Jong Suk Pyongyang Silk Mill carried out their production quotas for the first half of this year as of March 10 and four of them hit their yearly targets.

At the Kim Jong Suk Pyongyang Textile Mill, a weaver fulfilled her yearly plan as of March 6, followed by six others, and nearly 100 weavers their first half-yearly plans.

Four employees carried out their yearly production plans at the Hamhung Silk Mill where other employees executed their plans for the first half of this year as of March 12.

Several weavers hit their yearly and first half-yearly targets at the Sariwon Textile Mill and more than ten carried out their first half-yearly plans at the Hamhung Woolen Mill and more than 20 at the September Textile Mill.

Similar achievements were also made at the Kusong Textile Mill.

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