calendar>>March 27. 2016 Juche 105
DPRK Citizens Hail KPA's Ultimatum
Pyongyang, March 27 (KCNA) -- Citizens in the DPRK fully support the ultimatum to the south Korean puppet group recently issued by the long-range artillery force of the Korean People's Army.

Kim Han Il, manager of the Chollima Steel Complex, told KCNA:

The KPA's ultimatum is as good as the last warning to those provokers by the workers of my complex.

The respected Marshal Kim Jong Un is the great sun of Songun Korea representing the destiny and future of the Korean nation.

It is a never-to-be-condoned crime to point an accusing finger at the sun.

Harsh punishment should be given to the provokers who dared stage "precision striking drill" aimed to destroy the office of our supreme leadership.

Kang Song Man, a war veteran residing in Pyongyang, said:

If the group of traitors does not respond to the ultimatum, it will be natural for the KPA to launch an operation for merciless preemptive strike at once.

Our ancestors had put to death any traitor to the nation together with his or her families of three generations, erasing them from the genealogy.

I could appease my surging anger only when I see the Chongwadae and other reactionary ruling machines in south Korea reduced to ashes by the KPA's preemptive strike for retaliation.

It is urgently needed to show the riff-raffs of the world how the powerful Paektusan army metes out dreadful punishment to those provokers.

Pak Su Bok, chairman of the Songyo District, Pyongyang, Committee of the Kim Il Sung Socialist Youth League, said:

There is a limit to our patience.

Only merciless military retaliation is fit for those villains who dared to hurt the dignity of our supreme leadership, seeking to plunge the Korean nation into disaster of a nuclear war.

With our strong will to annihilate the U.S. imperialists and the south Korean puppet forces, we young people are dying for the start of KPA military action to subdue the southern part of Korea.

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