calendar>>March 28. 2016 Juche 105
Rodong Sinmun Slams Japanese Reactionaries' Security Legislation
Pyongyang, March 28 (KCNA) -- The security legislation will reportedly take effect in Japan soon. In this regard Abe blustered that the enforcement of the law would make a more positive contribution to the peace and stability of the region and the international community and it would be of "historic importance".

Rodong Sinmun Monday says in an article in this regard:

It is sophism of the Japanese reactionaries that the security legislation is certainly necessary for preserving "peace" and "security" in Japan and, furthermore, in other parts of the world.

The Japanese authorities are working hard to veil the security legislation with such rhetoric as "peace" and "security", but they can not cover up its danger.

Explicitly speaking, the security legislation is a war law for overseas aggression.

Why are they justifying the security legislation despite the unanimous opposition of the public at home and abroad?

Their ulterior intention is to launch reinvasion at any cost, backed by the U.S. Their scenario has already entered the phase of its implementation.

The Japanese reactionaries are rushing headlong into carrying out it, seized with the daydream that they can become the "leader" of the Orient through the enforcement of the war law.

Only pitfall of destruction awaits the running militarist chariot of Japan.

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