calendar>>March 29. 2016 Juche 105
S. Korean People Call for Punishing Park Geun Hye Regime
Pyongyang, March 29 (KCNA) -- The Headquarters of Joint Action for 2016 General Election and the Headquarters of All-out People's Action in south Korea sponsored a meeting in Seoul on March 26 to denounce the unpopular rule of the puppet authorities and their anti-reunification acts, according to the south Korean online paper Thongil News.

The speakers accused the Park Geun Hye regime of deteriorating the people's living, breaking her election commitment.

Tyranny against democracy, people's livelihood, peace and reunification has been perpetrated for the past three years of her office, they deplored, adding:

Though the situation on the Korean peninsula is becoming extremely tense but the "government" is taking such confrontation step as the shutdown of the Kaesong Industrial Zone.

The first victims of the fascistized power are the workers, peasants and poor, they noted, calling for making this year a year punishing the Park regime.

The participants staged a demonstration.

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