calendar>>March 29. 2016 Juche 105
KCNA Slams Japan's Reckless Moves for Militarism
Pyongyang, March 29 (KCNA) -- Japanese Prime Minister Abe is persistently pursuing Japan's militarism and reinvasion.

This is evidenced by his undisguised utterances utterly disregarding and strongly criticizing the "bill on repeal of the security legislation" jointly introduced by opposition parties recently and his threatening remarks that in case its repeal is allowed, it would greatly hurt the Japan-U.S. alliance.

This is an extremely reckless act of a war servant working with bloodshot eyes to realize Japan's wild ambition for militarization and reinvasion, going against the trend of the times.

Voices critical of the "security legislation" have grown stronger before and after its adoption for its gravity.

Not only some Asian countries but the West are expressing uneasiness and concern over Japan's emergence as a country capable of fighting a war again and strong rebuff is being voiced within Japan, too.

Rallies and demos have been staged in different parts of Japan and broad social and media circles as well as the ruling Liberal Democratic Party are calling for the abrogation of the legislation. A "lawsuit meeting" was set up to file a suit with local courts across Japan against unconstitutional legislation. Opposition parties' demand for the abolition of the legislation reflects the people's wishes to live in peace free from a war.

Despite such unanimous rebuff and denunciation of the public inside and outside Japan, Abe strongly chided the anti-war forces, asserting the justice of the "legislation" under the pretext of "tightened Japan-U.S. alliance". This clearly indicates what phase his wild ambition for militarism and hegemony has reached.

By origin, the "legislation" is a product of despicable collusion between the U.S. and Japan. The former is keen to carry out its strategy for dominating Asia and the rest of the world, using Japan as a shock force, and the latter is working hard to implement its scenario to invade other countries with the backing of the former.

Militarist Japan is mulling creating politico-military and legal conditions for launching overseas aggression any moment without any legal hurdles, pursuant to the U.S. scenario for dominating the world, and, on this basis, kicking off operation for reinvasion.

This is why the Japanese authorities are vociferating about full performance of the function of Japan-U.S. alliance, increase of deterrence and firmer guarantee for Japan's security by the force of the "security legislation".

Japan has built up its military muscle for overseas aggression under the patronage of the U.S. for the past several decades since its defeat. The "Self-Defense Forces", the second largest aggression forces after the U.S. forces in the West, are set to conduct military operations everywhere in the world and be deployed overseas any time under the pretext of assisting the U.S. troops, pursuant to the war law.

Japan has not yet shaken off the ill-fame as an enemy state after committing hideous crimes against humanity and war crimes though seven decades have passed since its defeat. Yet it is enforcing the "security legislation" while talking abut "Japan's security" and "its contribution to global peace and stability" with the backing of the U.S., chieftain of aggression. Its advocacy of such law is the height of impudence.

The "legislation" is an inevitable product of the extremely conservative politics of the present chief executive who regards militarism as his political idea and philosophy.

Japan's moves for aggression threatening peace and security of mankind are an unpardonable war crime as it brought unspeakable misfortune and pain to the Korean and other Asian people in the past.

War and peace can never go together. With no rhetoric can the Japanese authorities justify their militarism and war policy.

Japan's justification of the "legislation" is undoubtedly an extremely dangerous act of jeopardizing global peace and security as well as the destiny of Japan.

The present Japanese chief executive had better behave prudently, well aware that Japan's reckless militarization and overseas aggression would bring destruction to it in the end.

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