calendar>>March 30 2016 Juche 105 |
9th Plenary Meeting of 13th SPA Presidium Held
Pyongyang, March 30 (KCNA) -- The 9th plenary meeting of the 13th Presidium of the Supreme People's Assembly (SPA) of the DPRK took place at the Mansudae Assembly Hall Wednesday. The plenary meeting was attended by members of the SPA Presidium. Officials concerned were present there as observers. Discussed at the meeting were review of the implementation of the state budget for Juche 104 (2015) of the DPRK and the state budget for Juche 105 (2016). A report was made at the meeting. According to the report, the state budget for last year was correctly carried out. The plan for state budgetary revenue was over-fulfilled 1.3 percent or an increase of 5 percent over the previous year. The plan for local budgetary revenue was fulfilled at 113.8 percent while that for state budgetary expenditure was carried out at 99.9 percent. 15.9 percent of the total expenditure was allocated for national defence while 47.5 percent for building an economic power and the improvement of the standard of people's living. Investment in the fields of science and technology showed a 4.7 percent increase over that last year. 36.6 percent of the total expenditure was earmarked for cultural construction including education, public health, sports and literature and arts. The state budgetary revenue for this year is expected to go up 4.1 percent out of which transaction revenue will hold 3.3 percent, the revenue from the profits of state enterprises 4.5 percent, the revenue from the profits of cooperative enterprises 1.5 percent, that from real estate rent 4 percent, that from social insurance 1.1 percent, that from the sale of properties and price difference 2.5 percent and other revenue 1.3 percent. The revenue from economic trade zone is expected to grow 4.1 percent. Out of the state budgetary revenue the national budgetary revenue will account for 76.8 percent while that from local areas 23.2 percent. The state budgetary expenditure is expected to go up 5.6 percent over last year out of which 4.8 percent will go to industries, 4.3 percent to agriculture, 6.9 percent to fisheries, 13.7 percent to capital construction and 7.5 percent to forestry. It was decided to increase expenditure in the field of science and technology 5.2 percent, the field of education 8.1 percent, the field of public health 3.8 percent, the field of sports 4.1 percent and the field of culture 7.4 percent. 15.8 percent of the total expenditure will be spent for national defence. A large amount of educational aid fund and stipends will be sent for the education of Korean children in Japan. A decision of the Presidium of the SPA "On approving the review of the fulfillment of the Juche 104 (2015) state budget of the DPRK" and a decree of the Presidium of the SPA "On the Juche 105 (2016) state budget of the DPRK" were adopted at the meeting. |
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