calendar>>April 2. 2016 Juche 105
KCNA Commentary Condemns Japan for Rushing Headlong into Militarism
Pyongyang, April 2 (KCNA) -- Japan obsessed with the ambition to revive militarism and launch overseas expansion has finally entered the phase of enforcing the "security legislation" on March 29 despite the strong protest and denunciation at home and abroad.

This means unhesitatingly embarking upon the road of overseas reinvasion, oblivious of the lesson taught by its defeat more than 70 years ago. It is a serious threat to the world peace and security and an unpardonable war crime.

Japan's enforcement of the "security legislation" in total disregard of the just voices demanding the abolition of the war law reveals before the world its true colors as a war state after completely discarding the mask of "peace-loving state" which it has worn for form's sake.

The ruling forces of Japan are now vying with each other to claim that the enactment of the law helps tighten the "Japan-U.S. alliance" and provides "a guarantee for the consolidation" of the defense system of Japan and "it is indispensable for Japan to prevent a war."

Japan, a state for aggression and war, is now driving the chariot of militarism at breakneck speed to reemerge "greater Japanese empire," backed by the U.S. keen to world domination.

It is the consistent ambition pursued by Samurai Japan to launch reinvasion to conquer the world with the backing the U.S. since its defeat in World War II.

Right after the defeat the Japanese reactionaries have made desperate efforts to remove legal and institutional mechanisms obstructive to overseas aggression.

Especially the present ruling authorities have become more undisguised in their moves to revise laws for justifying overseas aggression while talking about the "departure from the postwar system" and the revision of the "Pacifist Constitution".

They not only officially raised issues of turning Japan into a major military power and launching overseas aggression as state policies but also worked in real earnest to form the National Security Council and map out a strategy of the national security modeling after the U.S. war mechanism.

Abe, after naming a new Cabinet the "Cabinet challenging the future", dismissed 10 cabinet ministers from offices at a time and appointed his confidants to those posts in a bid to adopt the "security legislation".

It is by no means accidental that the public opinion at home and abroad is terming Abe's Cabinet the one which has realized the ancestors' long-cherished desire, branding it as the "war cabinet" and the "cabinet aimed at long-term office".

The present Japanese ruling forces are shouting "bravo" for the fact that they can further boost the military cooperation with the U.S. by enforcing the law.

But Japan is sadly mistaken.

The U.S. which Japan so deeply trusts is not the only superpower in the world and its bluffing is nothing but an ill-advised bravery of Hitler who brought about ruin by himself in return for going against the trend of the justice of history.

Only death and doom awaited Japan which has entered the road of world domination backed by the U.S. through the conclusion of "Katsura-Taft Treaty".

What is deplorable indeed is that Japan is rushing headlong into overseas aggression with outcries for the tightened alliance with the U.S., failing to discern between what is right and what is wrong in the past and properly understand the trend of the present situation.

What matters is that Japan is making profound confusing of right and wrong to mislead public opinion in a bid to create impression that the enforcement of the "security legislation" is to cope with the DPRK's "threat".

What should not be overlooked is the fact that Abe blustered the cooperation between Japan and the U.S. would be developed whenever the north Korea launches ballistic missiles by enforcing the law and the chief Cabinet secretary claimed the enforcement of the law helped guarantee the people's life and peaceful living under serious security environment surrounding Japan.

Japan has infringed upon the sovereignty of other countries so far but no country has invaded or threatened Japan.

Even now there is no country threatening Japan.

It is unpardonable that Japan turns a blind eye to such a reality and openly tries to join in the aggressive military moves of the U.S. which is technically at war with the DPRK under the pretext of coping with someone's "threat".

The DPRK's service personnel and people will never tolerate Japan keen to launch militarist reinvasion without liquidating the past crimes before the Korean people.

Japan which enacted the war law obsessed with the anachronistic ambition for reinvasion will meet a miserable war disaster again and will have to regret it forever. -0-

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