calendar>>April 2. 2016 Juche 105
S. Korean Puppet Military Hit for Demanding Compensation
Pyongyang, April 2 (KCNA) -- The All-Island People's Measure Committee for Checking Jeju Military Base and Realizing Island of Peace, the Measure Council for Checking the Building of Jeju Naval Base and the Kangjong Legislation Fund-raising Committee in south Korea issued a joint statement on March 30 rejecting the puppet military's unreasonable demand for compensation.

The statement recalled that the navy on March 28 brought a suit against inhabitants in Kangjong village, peace activists and organizations opposed to the Jeju naval base project for compensation following the postponement of the project.

It is like putting a cart before the horse that the navy responsible for an undemocratic and illegal project is shifting the blame for the postponement on to the inhabitants and activists who have continued peaceful resistance, the statement held.

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