calendar>>April 3. 2016 Juche 105
Newspapers Observe Anniversary of April 3 Popular Uprising in S. Korea
Pyongyang, April 3 (KCNA) -- The April 3 popular uprising on Jeju Island, south Korea in 1948 was an anti-U.S., anti-fascist patriotic resistance of the south Korean people to put an end to the foreign domination and subjugations and to achieve national reunification, Rodong Sinmun Sunday says in an article.

The article goes on:

The uprisers on Jeju Island fully demonstrated the strong will and indomitable spirit of the south Korean people not to allow the aggression of the U.S. imperialists and outsiders and their lackeys' moves to perpetuate the national division through bloody resistance. .

The uprising taught the lesson that the U.S. imperialists are, indeed, the sworn enemy who desperately trample down the demand and aspiration of the south Korean people for independence, democracy and reunification by massacring Koreans and one should fight against the aggressors and traitors to the last.

It is nearly 70 years since the uprising but the desire of the resistance fighters has not yet come true. This is entirely attributable to the U.S. vicious policy of aggression toward the DPRK and the pro-U.S. lackeys' acts against the nation.

The soul of the uprisers is arousing the south Korean people to a bold struggle for independence, democracy and reunification.

Minju Joson in an article calls on the south Korean people to turn out in popular resistance against the U.S. and the Park Geun Hye group of traitors to realize the desire of the uprisers.

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