calendar>>April 4. 2016 Juche 105
Party Organizations and Officials Called for Creating New Spirit of Era
Pyongyang, April 4 (KCNA) -- The ongoing 70-day campaign of loyalty towards the Seventh Congress of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK) demands party organizations and officials intensify political and ideological work in an offensive way so as to create the new spirit representing the Mallima era on all fronts and in sectors.

Rodong Sinmun Monday says this in an editorial.

To conduct the political and ideological work in an offensive way means to correctly set the key part in implementing the immediate tasks put forward by the party and conduct political and ideological work in purposeful and intentional way, the editorial says, and goes on:

The WPK's calling for conducting the political and ideological work in purposeful and intentional way is the manifestation of the steadfast will to hasten the final victory of the revolution, upholding the banner of the Juche-based theory of giving importance to ideology.

Very great are the victorious successes achieved during the 70-day campaign so far.

The remaining days of the campaign are the vital period for all the service personnel and people to dash forward for the bigger victory and the greater surge with redoubled efforts.

The main way of implementing the WPK's plan and determination to glorify its Seventh Congress as the greatest heyday of the revolution is to conduct ideological and political work with all efforts.

The great victory of the 70-day campaign precisely means the might of the intensive political and ideological work.

All the party organizations and officials should bear in mind the essence and importance of the intensive political and ideological work and vigorously wage the ideological work in the day-and-night advance of the 70-day campaign.

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