calendar>>April 6. 2016 Juche 105
Minju Joson Lashes out at Japanese Reactionaries' Moves for Militarist Overseas Expansion
Pyongyang, April 6 (KCNA) -- The Japanese reactionaries have enforced the "security legislation" providing for the exercise of the "right to collective self-defense" since March 29.

Minju Joson on Wednesday observes in a commentary in this regard:

This shows that the Japanese reactionaries' ambition for overseas aggression has already gone beyond the limit and control.

Japan is a criminal war state which invaded Asian countries including Korea in the past, bringing immeasurable misfortune and sufferings to the peoples in this region.

It remains unchanged in its ambition for invading Asian countries and emerging "a leader" of the region.

The Japanese reactionaries, availing themselves of the US imperialists' Asian strategy, have worked hard to eliminate all political and institutional mechanisms obstructive to gaining the right to fight a war and rush headlong into militarist overseas expansion. They are now carrying out this scenario.

Japan put into force the new "security legislation", accusing others under this situation. Its crafty artifice is sparking off the disgust of all people.

The Japanese reactionaries are rushing headlong into militarization, vowing to take revenge for its defeat under the mask of "pacifist state." These war drumbeats are adversely affecting the security environment of Asia.

Japan should not miscalculate.

Its ever more undisguised moves for militarization would throw the country into a bottomless pitfall of self-destruction.

The Japanese reactionaries should properly understand the will of the international community and stop at once their moves for launching reckless militarist overseas expansion.

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