calendar>>April 6. 2016 Juche 105
Efforts for National Reconciliation and Unity
Pyongyang, April 6 (KCNA) -- President Kim Il Sung made public the famous work "10-point Programme of the Great Unity of the Whole Nation for the Reunification of the Country" on April 6, Juche 82 (1993).

The work expounds the unique idea of great national unity, the keynote of which the entire nation should get united by putting requirements and interests common to the nation above anything else.

In the new century, too, the DPRK government, pursuant to Kim Il Sung's idea of great national unity, remains unchanged in its stand to have open-minded talks with those desirous of national reconciliation and unity, peace and reunification.

Thanks to leader Kim Jong Il's fraternity and bold decision, two rounds of north-south summits took place in Pyongyang and the June 15 joint declaration and the October 4 declaration were adopted.

In the days of implementing the north-south declarations, the north and the south had ministerial talks and other multi-faceted contacts and dialogues, in order to promote cooperation and exchange in various fields such as economy, culture, sports, healthcare and environment.

Air and sea routes were opened and railroad and road, interrupted for over half a century, reconnected between the north and the south.

Under the leadership of supreme leader Kim Jong Un, the DPRK makes strenuous efforts to improve the north-south relations on the basis of the Three Principles of National Reunification, north-south declarations and other agreements made between the north and the south.

In a speech made at the military parade to celebrate the 100th birth anniversary of Kim Il Sung, Kim Jong Un said that the Workers' Party of Korea and the DPRK government will join hands with anyone who truly wants the reunification of the country and the peace and prosperity of the nation and make responsible and patient efforts to accomplish the historic cause of national reunification.

Last year when a complicated situation lingered on the Korean Peninsula, the DPRK had made a series of epoch-making proposals and taken important measures in order to put an end to mistrust and confrontation between the north and the south and bring about a great turn and great change in inter-Korean relations.

It is the principled stand of the DPRK to deter all challenges of the anti-reunification forces and open a way for improved inter-Korean relations in the idea of By Our Nation Itself.

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