calendar>>April 6. 2016 Juche 105
National Photo Exhibition Opens
Pyongyang, April 6 (KCNA) -- The national photo exhibition "Great Contribution to Defending Country and Loving People" was opened with due ceremony at the People's Palace of Culture on Wednesday to celebrate the fourth anniversary of the election of Marshal Kim Jong Un to the top posts of the Workers' Party of Korea and the state.

On display there are a photo of Kim Jong Un standing on Mt. Paektu and photos showing his feats.

Photos including "Supreme Commander of the Korean People's Army Comrade Kim Jong Un lays a bouquet before the statues of the great leader Comrade Kim Il Sung and the great leader Comrade Kim Jong Il at the headquarters of the KPA Air and Anti-Air Force and makes bows" showed the revolutionary leadership of Kim Jong Un.

There are photos dealing with iron will, matchless courage and outstanding leadership of Kim Jong Un who defends the security of the country and people with his indefatigable Songun revolutionary leadership.

There are also photos telling about the leadership of Kim Jong Un who ushers in a greatest heyday of the youth power for the first time in the world and puts the country on the peak of scientific and technological power, true to the intention of the President and Kim Jong Il.

Also displayed there are photos dealing with the great personality of Kim Jong Un who produces miracles in the forced march for ceaseless field guidance and demonstrates the dignity and might of Juche Korea to the whole world.

There are also photos showing the appearance of the country whose looks have undergone a dramatic change and the happy life of the Korean people.

Present at the opening ceremony were Kim Ki Nam, Yang Hyong Sop, officials concerned, officials of ministries and national institutions and working people in the city.

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