calendar>>April 7. 2016 Juche 105
U.S. Talk about "World without Nuclear Weapons" Is Curtain-raiser to Nuclear War against DPRK: KCNA
Pyongyang, April 7 (KCNA) -- The Korean Central News Agency in an indictment Thursday says the U.S. trumpeting about a "world without nuclear weapons" is a curtain-raiser to a nuclear war against the DPRK.

The 4th "Nuclear Security Summit" held in the U.S. was an extremely deceptive and provocative farce aimed to persist in its nuclear high-handed and arbitrary practices, the indictment says, and goes on:

During the summit the U.S. prodded the south Korean puppet forces, Japan and other followers into revving up the atmosphere of "sanctions" and pressure on the DPRK by giving impression that the "nuclear threat" from the DPRK is the biggest problem facing the international community.

It is nonsensical and height of impudence that the U.S. malignantly took issue with the DPRK's nuclear force, a product of the formers' nuclear blackmail, though it has the biggest number of nuclear weapons and staged more nuclear tests than any other countries in the world and is now threatening the existence of whole mankind every hour with its nuclear weapons deployed in various parts of the world.

Obama's initiative for "building a world without nuclear weapons" is, in essence, a strategy for establishing nuclear monopoly.

It is a more dangerous nuclear strategy to cover up the Bush administration's criminal nuclear policy in a crafty manner.

It is also a hideous strategy for nuclear monopoly and domination going far beyond the preceding administrations' policy of aggression in its crafty and outrageous nature as it is aimed to turn the world into "the one allowing the existence of U.S. nuclear weapons only" and "the one dominated by the U.S. nuclear weapons."

During its office the Obama administration has frantically resorted to nuclear blackmail worldwide, pursuant to the above-said strategy, ruthlessly trampling down the desire of humankind for peace and security.

In order to realize its hegemonic ambition through nuclear blackmail the U.S. readjusted and stepped up policies in all fields including politics, economy and military affairs for the purpose of fighting a nuclear war.

It is operating nuclear munitions factories in full capacity and stepping up with increased frenzy nuclear tests and development of new type nuclear weapons with huge investment of funds for nuclear weapons.

This criminal scenario for a nuclear war has been more saliently revealed through the forward deployment of nuclear striking means that has gone beyond its danger line.

Due to the U.S. desperate preparations for a nuclear war, dark clouds of a nuclear war have hung heavily over the Korean peninsula and the rest of the world.

After designating the DPRK as a key operational theatre for the provocation of a nuclear war for dominating the world, the Obama administration has pushed the nuclear issue of the Korean peninsula to the worst phase since its outset of office.

After making it a fait accompli to provoke a nuclear war against the DPRK, the U.S. supplemented laws and military operational plans related to the DPRK with more ferocious and brigandish ones.

Through ceaseless anti-DPRK nuclear war exercises the U.S. has deliberately pushed the situation on the Korean peninsula to the touch-and-go one.

The joint military exercises in which the U.S. nuclear threats and blackmail have escalated in a phased manner have been a main cause of the extreme tension on the Korean peninsula.

The Obama administration is labeling the legitimate measures for self-defence taken by the DPRK to cope with the moves for a nuclear war a "provocation" and "threat" and steadily ratcheting up its nuclear gambling on the Korean peninsula under that pretext.

The U.S. reckless ambition for nuclear monopoly and nuclear blackmail not only made the denuclearization of the world a wild dream but reduced the denuclearization of the Korean peninsula to something unimaginable.

The DPRK will invariably maintain the line of simultaneously developing the two fronts which it adopted as a strategic line for achieving the final victory, not just as a temporary stop-gap measure for coping with the ever-changing situation.

The DPRK's access to powerful nuclear weapons put a definite end to the time when the U.S. used to threaten the DPRK with lots of nuclear weapons. The status of the U.S. as a nuclear criminal state has now changed into that of poor loser.

If the U.S. shows even the slightest sign of provoking a nuclear war of aggression, we will make a merciless nuclear strike at the U.S. mainland.

The nuclear force of the DPRK is the one of justice for ending the U.S. nuclear crimes.

In our do-or-die battle the U.S. will face a final ruin even with no time given to make a bitter regret that it fought a wrong war with a wrong rival in a wrong place and at a wrong time.

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