calendar>>April 7. 2016 Juche 105
Only Death Awaits Park Geun Hye: CPRK Spokesman
Pyongyang, April 7 (KCNA) -- A spokesman for the Committee for the Peaceful Reunification of Korea (CPRK) released a statement Thursday denouncing Park Geun Hye for spewing out anti-DPRK invectives during her trip to the U.S.

Making the foreign trip for eight days by availing herself of the "nuclear security summit" in the U.S, Park begged others for increased support for "cooperation against the nuclear weapons of the north" and for putting all efforts for imposing "sanctions" and "pressure" on it, irrespective of who they are and whether they are concerned for the Korean peninsula issue or not, the statement said.

Branding this as the height of an epileptic fit of the despicable confrontational maniac and the worst imbecile who is being taken aback by the might of Songun of the DPRK, the statement went on:

Tragedy is that Park is spouting invectives, completely unaware of who her rival is.

Even the U.S. whom Park serves with devotion acknowledges that the DPRK will not dismantle the nuclear weapons and it will not be possible for it to do so but only ignorant Park is still being seized by the ambition of pressurizing the DPRK to "scrap nuclear program". This proves that she is the worst blockhead ignorant of how the world goes around, unaware of where she stands and what her master thinks of.

No matter how desperately Park Geun Hye who committed a high treason against the nation may hang on the coattails of her master, crimes are bound to entail punishment.

The matchless evil woman pushed the north-south relations to a total stalemate and increased the danger of a war. It is the unanimous voice of the south Koreans to throw her overboard as early as possible.

Park Geun Hye should clearly understand that the public spearheads are directed to her dirty existence both in and near Chongwadae.

Now all the service personnel and other people of the DPRK are waiting for the final order to blow up Chongwadae, to begin with, with the will to resolutely foil the provocative moves of the Park Geun Hye group aimed at hurting the dignity of the supreme leadership of the DPRK and bringing down "its social system".

Park Geun Hye might want to prolong her remaining days under the auspices of her American master, rather than coming back to Chongwadae where the specter of death loiters about, but she should clearly know that she can not find a shelter even in the U.S. which is put on the list of retaliatory nuclear strike of the strategic nuclear force of the Korean People's Army and anywhere.

The only thing left to be done by Park who is adding thrice-cursed crime to what she has already committed with invectives against the fellow countries even in foreign land like a rabid dog is to meet her death in her Chongwadae office which is kept within the sight of the powerful revolutionary Paektusan army.

Availing ourselves of this opportunity, we would like to warn the U.S. going reckless while patronizing Park whose days are numbered and the riff-raffs dancing to its tune that their fate can not be otherwise.

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