calendar>>April 9. 2016 Juche 105
Journalists Union Slams S. Korean Regime's Smear Campaign against DPRK
Pyongyang, April 9 (KCNA) -- Nowadays south Korean conservative media are hell-bent on a smear campaign against the DPRK.

They are spouting rubbish that the "resolution on sanctions against the north" adopted by the U.S.-led forces at the UN Security Council made it difficult for the DPRK to carry out its plans of the 70-day campaign and its trouble is snowballing due to the lack of finance.

Hack writers paid by the south Korean puppet regime, who are utterly ignorant of the life of the people in the DPRK as they had never been to it, are busy floating a false story about "forbidden ceremonies for marriage, funeral and ancestral worship" and "attempts to defect from the north."

A spokesman for the Central Committee of the Journalists Union of Korea in a statement Saturday terms this an intolerable insult to the dignity and social system of the DPRK and the worthwhile life and aspiration of its people and an unpardonable hideous provocation.

The statement said:

The 70-day campaign being staged by all service personnel and people of the DPRK is an all-people general offensive to foil the unheard-of challenges of all hostile forces and bring about the final victory in the building of a socialist thriving nation through self-reliance and self-development by getting single-mindedly united around the leader.

The south Korean puppet regime will never understand the noble spirit of the people of the DPRK and the feats performed by them every day as it can never exist without outsiders' help.

The puppet regime claims that the Korean people are conducting the 70-day campaign, believing in someone. This is no more than sheer sophism that can be spouted only by the Park Geun Hye regime and its hack writers as they are staking their fate on the U.S.

The reality shows that disaster is inevitable if the disgusting hack writers and servants of the puppet regime are allowed to go reckless to stoke confrontation with the compatriots in the north, bereft of justice and truth, impartiality and objectivity, the vital ethics of media.

The puppet regime-patronized conservative media would be well advised to be cautious about their tongue-lashing if they don't want to face a merciless punishment by the DPRK.

No matter what rhetoric the riff-raffs forsaken by the nation and the times reel off, they can never hold in check the dynamic advance of the DPRK led by the great Party and the world will clearly witness a signal success of its 70-day campaign of loyalty.

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