calendar>>April 9. 2016 Juche 105
Park Geun Hye Blamed for Kicking up Racket for Eliminating "Forces Following North"
Pyongyang, April 9 (KCNA) -- Crimes committed by the Park Geun Hye group of traitors have touched off towering indignation of all the Koreans as it kicked up the whirlwind of confrontation in south Korea through the racket for eliminating the "forces following the north" and pushed the north-south relations to a stalemate while working as a shock brigade in realizing the U.S. hostile policy toward the DPRK.

Traitor Park Geun Hye, being seized by extreme bitterness toward her fellow countrymen, cooked up the absurd "theory of eliminating the forces following the north" and used it as a means for enforcing dictatorial rule and executing the policy of confrontation with the DPRK.

She designated the DPRK as an "anti-state organization" and "enemy" and retrogressively revised the "National Security Law" which she has used as a main means for violence in her bid to stamp out progress and democracy in south Korea.

The criminal nature of the racket for eliminating the "forces following the north" which the group of traitors has escalated is being brought to light as the racket has been linked with the moves for provocation of a war against the DPRK and the attempt at "collapse of its social system".

Due to the racket for eliminating the "forces following the north" kicked up by traitor Park Geun Hye, south Korea has turned into a theatre of confrontation with the fellow countrymen and the north-south ties plunged into a deadlock and the puppet army is being held at the threshold of a nuclear war as a cannon fodder of the U.S. imperialists and confrontational maniacs.

Just as a rabid dog has to be beaten to death, the root cause of misfortune can be removed only when wench Park Geun Hye running headlong to escalate confrontation with the fellow countrymen, being unaware of where she stands, is eliminated.

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