calendar>>April 10. 2016 Juche 105
Kim Jong Un Sends Birthday Spreads to Labor Heroes
Haeju, April 10 (KCNA) -- Supreme leader Kim Jong Un sent birthday spreads to Labor Hero Hong Won Phyo (80), manager of the Pyoksong County Forestry Management Station, Ju Sang Won (70), honorary curator of the Sinchon Museum and Labor Hero Jo Tong Hwi (70), work-team leader of the Paechon Cocoon Production Office.

Hong returned to his native place after performing feats in the battles against the enemy during the past Fatherland Liberation War and volunteered to be forester. He contributed to turning the mountains of the county into thickly wooded mountains. Ju narrowly escaped from the powder magazine of Pamnamu Village during the past Fatherland Liberation War and held arms in his hands as an avenger of Sinchon. He has contributed to class education for decades at the Sinchon Museum indicting the brutality of the U.S. imperialists.

Jo has worked with patriotism to improve the of people's standard of living as workteam leader for decades.

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