calendar>>April 11. 2016 Juche 105
KPA Service Personnel Meet at Kumsusan Palace of Sun
Pyongyang, April 11 (KCNA) -- Officers and men of the Army, Navy, Air and Anti-Air Force of the Korean People's Army held a ceremony at the plaza of the Kumsusan Palace of the Sun on Monday to pay high tribute to Generalissimos Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il and take an oath to be loyal to supreme leader Kim Jong Un on the occasion of the Day of the Sun (the birth anniversary of Kim Il Sung).

Present at the ceremony were Hwang Pyong So, Pak Yong Sik, Ri Myong Su and commanding officers of the KPA and officers of the Army, Navy and Air and Anti-Air Force of the KPA and cadets of the military academies at all levels.

The participants paid high tribute to the portraits of smiling Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il.

A speech was made by KPA Vice Marshal Hwang Pyong So, member of the Presidium of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea and director of the General Political Bureau of the KPA.

He said:

The President founded the immortal Juche idea, Songun idea and led the two revolutionary wars and social revolution of various phases and socialist construction to victory, turning the DPRK into a powerful socialist nation, independent in politics, self-supporting in economy and self-reliant in defence.

Kim Jong Il developed the DPRK into an invincible political and military power and a full-fledged nuclear weapons state with his energetic Songun revolutionary leadership and ushered in a new era of prosperity with his patriotic devotion.

Glorified forever will be the immortal feats performed by the Generalissimos by which they put the dignity of the party, state, army and people on the highest level and laid an eternal foundation for firmly guaranteeing the victorious advance and bright future of the revolutionary cause of Juche while blazing a trail of the Songun revolution.

The speaker underscored the need to hold in high esteem the Generalissimos and accelerate the day of a final victory, true to the leadership of Marshal Kim Jong Un with loyalty.

There took place a march-past of the officers and men of the Army, Navy and Air and Anti-Air Force of the KPA and cadets of the military academies at all levels and students of revolutionary schools.

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