calendar>>April 11. 2016 Juche 105
Great Feats Performed by Kim Il Sung for Global Independence
Pyongyang, April 11 (KCNA) ? With the approach of the Day of the Sun (April 15), the birth anniversary of President Kim Il Sung, the Korean people and world progressives are recalling with deep emotion the immortal feats the President performed for the cause of global independence.

Kim Il Sung liberated the country from Japan's colonial rule, and thus set an example for national liberation struggle in colonies and encouraged the oppressed people of the world in their struggle for national liberation.

He rendered unreserved assistance to the countries in their struggle for independence against imperialism.

During the anti-Japanese armed struggle, he helped the revolution in China at the cost of blood and deterred the Japanese imperialists from invading the Soviet Union through fierce harassment operations behind enemy lines.

After the liberation of the country, he dispatched a large number of elite Korean fighters and gave every possible logistic support for the victory in the war to liberate Northeast China.

After the Fatherland Liberation War (1950-1953), he had regarded it as a noble international obligation to help peoples of Asia, Africa and Latin America in their struggle for national liberation against imperialism and building a new society and extended full support and encouragement to them.

He had forged intimacy with many party and state leaders and political and public figures of different countries in the world, desirous of independence and made efforts to strengthen the friendly bonds with the countries supporting the Korean people in accomplishing the cause of justice.

Among people who boundlessly revered the President, fascinated by his noble personality were those who differed from him in idea and political view.

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