calendar>>April 13. 2016 Juche 105
Day of Sun Celebrated in Various Countries
Pyongyang, April 13 (KCNA) -- Celebrations, photo exhibitions and film shows took place in South Africa, Denmark, Myanmar and Malaysia from March 23 to April 3 on the occasion of the birth anniversary of President Kim Il Sung (the Day of the Sun).

Displayed at the venues of the events were photos dealing with the exploits of Kim Il Sung, leader Kim Jong Il and Marshal Kim Jong Un.

On display there were their works, and photos showing the struggle of the army and people of the DPRK for ushering in the greatest heyday of building a thriving nation.

Screened at the film shows were Korean films "Kimilsungia" and "Songdowon International Children's Camp".

The chairman of the Denmark-DPRK Friendship Association said that Kim Il Sung's undying feats will shine along with the cause of independence steadily advancing.

The secretary of the Yangon Regional Committee of the Union Solidarity and Development Party of Myanmar noted that Kim Il Sung made great contributions to the development of the DPRK, people's happiness and the struggle for global peace and justice for which he enjoys boundless reverence by progressive mankind as the most prominent great man in the 21st century and elder statesman in the world.

A congratulatory message to Kim Jong Un was adopted at the meeting held in South Africa.

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