calendar>>April 14. 2016 Juche 105
Day of Sun Observed Abroad
Pyongyang, April 14 (KCNA) -- There took place Korean photo and book exhibitions and film shows in Russia, Romania, Germany and Algeria from March 22 to April 4 to observe the Day of the Sun (the birth anniversary of President Kim Il Sung.)

On display at the venues of the events were photos showing exploits of the President, leader Kim Jong Il and Marshal Kim Jong Un.

Their works, and books and photos introducing the DPRK were also on show.

Films shown included Korean films "Always in Hearts of Mankind" and "Grand Celebration of 70th Founding Anniversary of Workers' Party of Korea in Presence of Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un."

Revedev, chief of the Russian Group for Solidarity with the DPRK, highly praised Kim Il Sung for defeating the Japanese imperialists, liberating Korea and humbling the U.S. imperialist aggressors in the 3 year-long Fatherland Liberation War.

Vasile Orleanu, chairman of the Supreme Council of the New Socialist Party of Romania, said the exhibition would offer an opportunity to Romanian people to get to know better about the personality of Kim Il Sung as the great man.

The director of the MS Travel Company of Germany and other personages praised Kim Il Sung for dedicating himself to the country and its people and the cause of global independence all his life, adding he will always be remembered by mankind.

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