calendar>>April 14. 2016 Juche 105
U.S. State Secretary Accused of Trying to Shift Blame for Tension on Korean Peninsula onto DPRK
Pyongyang, April 14 (KCNA) -- A spokesman for the Disarmament and Peace Institute of the DPRK Foreign Ministry answered the question raised by KCNA on Thursday in connection with the fact that U.S. State Secretary Kerry again pulled up the DPRK as follows:

During the G-7 foreign ministerial meeting held in Hiroshima, Japan, shortly ago, the U.S. State Secretary created the atmosphere of pressure on the DPRK while describing the DPRK's bolstering of nuclear deterrence as "challenge" and "provocation" and went so shameful as to give impression that the U.S. is concerned for worldwide dismantlement of nuclear weapons.

Far from apologizing to the victims and their departed soul in the world's first region stricken with A-bomb dropped by the U.S., Kerry pulled up the DPRK, a shameful act of concealing the true nature of the U.S. as the world's biggest nuclear criminal state.

Outwardly, the U.S. is talking about building a "world without nuclear weapons" but, in actuality, it spends a colossal amount of fund for the modernization of the nuclear weapons and stages ceaseless nuclear war exercises. These are a crafty trick to divert international criticism of it to the DPRK.

The U.S. is trying to convince the public that the nuclear threats increase worldwide and the situation on the Korean peninsula is rendered tense due to the DPRK but it is no more than a wild act that can never be understood by persons of reason.

The DPRK's access to nuclear weapons is not a threat but an inevitable option for self-defence to defend the country and the nation from the nuclear disaster that may be caused by the U.S.

If the DPRK had not opted for their access to the nuclear weapons and not bolstered them up steadily, it would have fallen victim to a nuclear attack by the U.S. more than a hundred times just as Japan.

This is clearly proven by the nuclear war exercises targeting the DPRK being staged in south Korea as well as the plan for nuclear attack and the moves for deployment of nuclear weapons ceaselessly committed by the U.S. against the DPRK for more than half a century.

Kerry went impudent as to talk about efforts for worldwide dismantlement of nuclear weapons but had it not been for the existence of the U.S., the nuclear threat would not have been posed to the earth and the issue of building "a world without nuclear weapons" would not have cropped up.

It is the U.S. which made the nuclear weapons for the first time in the world and it is again the U.S. which dropped A-bombs on mankind and it is also the U.S. which is stepping up the modernization of nuclear weapons after designating sovereign states as targets of a preemptive nuclear attack.

It is also the U.S. which persists in escalating the tension on the Korean peninsula in a bid to invent a pretext for keeping hegemonic status in the Asia-Pacific region.

That the DPRK is getting itself fully ready for nuclear attack to react to the U.S. attack in kind is not only to defend its right to existence but to safeguard the regional and world peace and security from the nuclear threats of the U.S. which is brandishing its nuclear stick at random.

This time the Japanese prime minister, far from wresting an apology from the U.S., an assailant which inflicted the nuclear disaster on his own nation, chimed in with the U.S. while reading its face. This is a senseless act.

Japan, the only and the first victim country of nuclear bombs in the world, went so servile to the U.S., assailant country, in the A bomb-stricken region, a clear expression of the poor plight of Japan as a political dwarf who has no other way but to pursue the U.S. line blindly.

The more desperately the hostile forces escalate the racket for reckless pressure on the DPRK, the more sharply it will whet the nuclear treasured sword for self-defence to stamp out the root cause of nuclear disaster threatening humankind, holding high the banner of the line on simultaneously pushing forward the two fronts.

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