calendar>>April 14. 2016 Juche 105
President Kim Il Sung, Founder of Socialist Korea
Pyongyang, April 14 (KCNA) -- Many people visit Mangyongdae, the birthplace of President Kim Il Sung, with the approach of his birthday (April 15), the Day of the Sun.

The President remains in the hearts of the Korean people as the benefactor of nation's resurrection and the eternal sun of Juche.

He embarked on the road of revolution in his teens, founded the Juche idea, the Songun (military-first) idea and waged the anti-Japanese armed struggle of 20-odd years to liberate Korea from Japan's colonial rule on August 15, Juche 34 (1945).

Then he founded the Democratic People's Republic of Korea on September 9, 1948, thus making the Korean people the master of the state and society.

He also led the 1950-1953 Fatherland Liberation War to victory to defend the country's sovereignty and the nation's dignity from the U.S. imperialists' armed invasion.

He had wisely guided the revolution and construction in reliance on the popular masses to turn the DPRK into a socialist power independent in politics, self-supporting in the economy and self-reliant in national defence.

Thanks to his devoted and tireless efforts for the country and the nation, the DPRK could proudly exercise its sovereign right on an international arena and its people could enjoy a worthwhile life and happiness under the socialist system.

That's why the Korean people have held in high esteem Kim Il Sung as the founder of socialist Korea and the eternal President of the DPRK.

Now they are working hard to build a thriving nation of Juche, the lifelong desire of the President, under the guidance of supreme leader Kim Jong Un.

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